Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Trip from Cancun to Merida

The next day you could feel the excitement and intensity of the storm approaching. People were checking out of the hotels in droves and panic was written all over their faces. The airport was just a maze of hysteria and bedlam, thus we didn't even waste hours upon hours like yesterday trying to get a flight out. We got on the Presidente hotel private charter around 1:00pm Sunday Aug 19th. The roads were jammed and vehicals of all types and sizes were competing for limited space on the highways.

About half way to Merida, the air conditioning was starting to break down. It started getting hotter and hotter in the bus. Sweat was just poring off of us and finally the bus driver pulled over. The fan belt had become loose and they tried to get it fixed. Well, we didn't let it get us down and we were just happy we got out of dodge. After about 30 minutes, the winds started picking up and a rain band swung by us. It started lightening and thundering with large claps of energy and thunder. I didn't even mind the torrental down pour and stood out in the rain and let it wash away all of the sweat from my skin. It really was refreshing and you could smell the ozone being born in the atmosphere from all of the lightening strikes.

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