Friday, August 24, 2007

Hurrican Dean Blowing in Extreme

The main part of the storm is only an hour away and I am drawn down the main street of Merida. I am following this solid line in the brick path and seem drawn towards something. The wind is really picking up and is howling about 60mph, pushing on me to keep moving. I get a brief respite for just a minute andI look up and see what I have been driven towards, Monumento a la Patria. What a powerful moment, the visual symbol of the force of power with the buffeting wind seem just right in viewing this monument from the ancient Mayan ancient past. I am standing on the meridian of a four-lane road looking at this powerful monument and all of a sudden a voice breaks the enthrallment and asks if I can take his picture. We trade places taking each other's picture in the middle of the roundabout and I ask him about the hieroglyphs. He starts telling me about the figures and he seems to know what his is talking about, so I ask him if I could video record his narration. The wind was really picking up and I knew from prior experience that the voice recording would be heavily distorted because of the wind, but if you don't try you will never accomplish anything.
His name was Louisa Rodriquez-Alexander, which is my grandmother's maiden name of Alexander. I had a feeling this was just getting interesting. He explained the Mayan hieroglyph of a head of a rabbit, body of a jaguar, and tail of a snake. If anyone knows what this is called and the signifcance please e-mail me the information. The Mayans believed to survive that had to be in a constant New World, so that is why they continuously rebuilt upon prior civilization and the flame represented this context of rebirth, like I was feeling what was happening to me. We walked to the other side of the momumento and another powerful relationship of dimensions was revealed of a small lake with a statue in the middle. It was a scene of a natural world with an eagle and a cactus on the back of the sculpture alludes to the founding of Tenochtitlan (Mexico City}. According to the migration legend, the patron god Huitzilopochtli told them to build a settlement in the place where they would see an eagle landing on a cactus growing on a lake. When the Mexica Aztecs saw the vision, they founded Tenochtitlan on Lake Tetzcoco, thus reminding me of the researchers I meet during the pre-sattilite conference from Mexico city. I am a little enveous that they have a rich culture that they can still practice and receive wisdom from. See the movie at youtube -

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, mesmerizing account, Lesa. Best wishes to you!