Sunday, January 27, 2008

White Dragon & Hot Springs

I woke up to the sun rising at 10:00 am and -44 F and actual temp of -55 below including wind chill & dew point. The thought of getting out and take some photos of the ice fog and pink sunrise, went by-by when I saw the thermostat. If something happened to the car and I got stranded it would be slightly cold and I am not that blond, so I jumped back into my heated waterbed. Finally, around noon it warmed up to -30F, thus as we say up here "Road Trip" destination Chena Hot Springs. The ice fog was thick and you could still see the bullet ridden road signs, even the dog team crossing sign.

The only one with out bullets was the HIPAS observatory sign. The snow on the top right of the sign look like a bust of a women, go figure. When I reached Two Rivers, there was two dog teams mushing along side the road and I kept pace with them. Those dogs are phenomenal athletes and were really enjoying the run, just like I was doing.
The sun just was not bright enough and there was a slight overcast, so the next stop was the Chena River at Angel Rocks Campground. The river was open a little and the flowing water with the ice coverage had made a neat rhythmic pattern, like scales on a dragon tail. The rippling sound of the open water was melodic and strange to hear, since H20 has been frozen since October.

I couldn't wait to hear more and jumped back into the car, after many shots to get the right composition and angle, and made it to Chena Hot Springs. I was hoping I could take in my camera and get a few neat shots, but the steam off of the outdoor pool would have played havoc with the camera and the slight problem of water damage. Thus, I went around the outside and was buffeted by the steam, like some ethereal medieval scene.

The trees, bridges, anything exposed for long was covered in an off white hoary frost. You could feel the frost developing on you and I could only pull out the camera for a few seconds. The cold had changed from a dry to a damp cold and just seeped into you. The temperature starting even affecting me being able to take a shot and I ran back to the car, got my bathing suit, and ran inside the pool area. Finally, to get in the warm spring water was so soothing and relaxing. To be able to swim again in the indoor pool was exhilarating. I love to be underwater swimming in a warm dense liquid medium, like being in another world of sound and touch. You feel yourself enveloped and embraced.

After enjoying the indoor pool, I braved the trip from inside to the outside pool. The feeling of shock and then harshness hits you immediately and the distance to the pool seems infinite, because of the thick steam rising . You can't run, because of the ice, and you have to concentrate on placing each step. The destination is worth it, just like everything else in life. The feeling of warmth enveloping you again once you reach the pool is so soothing, that you forget everything else. The slow breast stroke through the pool with ripples washing ahead of you and the steam flowing over you makes you feel like you are in another reality and the trouble of the world float away. Floating on my back and immersing my ears, I almost feel like I am at home in my dragon lair soaking up the heat and melting my heart, allowing me to breath and relax.


Anonymous said...

The Hot Springs look awsome!!

Anonymous said...

have you ever seen a 4 inch apricot???

Regards, Isabel and Ben