Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Meeting Deadlines

If there were no deadlines, nothing would get accomplished. I'm trying to finish an Independent Study Course of putting MRI anatomical data of an arctic ground squirrel's brain into a program called AMIRA. The programs main function is conversion of two dimensional data into a three dimensional form, that you can immerse into a holographic environment. The ability to discover new things and saying that's weird, instead of eureka, is really amazing and wonderful. To be able to be creative and working with computer programs within neuroscience is actually quite invigorating and rewarding. Reward usually only comes with perseverance and tenacity. You also can not panic and just try again when the whole program crashes, if you consistently back up the data, but the actual functional set that you need to get to with xy, xz, yz three dimensional coordinates almost sealed the deal tonight. I have been waiting an 1/2 hour just for the acquired data to reload and have everything possible crossed for good luck. I am writing this blog for senility, while I am waiting. There have been over 1000 files to route through to find the pertinent file data. Once the correct data has been loaded then you need to segment it into separate regions of the brain. The amount of work I have been doing has I think has caused my brain to become part squirrel. So yesterday, while the system was rendering data I went home and shoveled the driveway to just to keep sane. A couple was walking by with their dogs and

the guy said "you must be hard core being out here in a t-shirt", I said "I'm just hot and an Alaskan Women". They were laughing all the way down the street. Oh well, being honest sometimes is quite funny. Thank goodness, my family especially Dad told me a good way to get rid of stress, is to work out with anything, chores or something physical, get you through it with a smile and senility. Also, even though you are busy take time to laugh and enjoy life's moments.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lesa -I like the this picture!