Sunday, February 10, 2008

Wondering thru Arctic Life

Wondering thru life in the arctic can be beautiful and harsh at the same time. The cold at -10F with wind chill at -50F is tough, but if you dress up enough to look like the pilsbury doe boy you can stay warm. The colds beauty is every where from the deep crystallized prism snow with rainbows glinting and twinkling at you enticingly, to hoary frost clinging to every exposed surface. The ability to get the shoot of the prism effect I have been trying for years and I finally was able to do it by changing my angle of incidence or simply lying down in the snow. The wonders of life's accidents are always wonderful if you open your mind to them.

Along the trail, I'm singing Come Away with Me by Nora Jones, since I have been practicing it to sing at open mic night, and a raven flew by to investigate what was going on. I am laying there in the snow just finish shooting and the raven lands on a branch only a few feet away. She starts cawing at me and twisting here head back and forth keeping an eye always on me. Well, from the time I spent with a Shaman from Wisemen and learned how to repeat their sounds, I called back to her and she repeated the sound. The moment was really cool and intriguing, she really liked my singing. It was so beautiful and lovingly tender, something I need very much right now.

She followed me along the trail even to the road and it was cool having us talking and singing to each other. I haven't been able to do that for a long time since last spring an it felt wonderful in the arctic cold. Since, ravens are one of the most intelligent song birds and even repeat car alarm sounds, if you all hear "Come away with Me" some where out of the blue you will know why, a crazy strawberry blond taught her. I had a feeling the days mysteries were not done yet and something else was going to happen. Once I reached back to the road and was on Farmers Loop I started shooting again the frozen and snow covered Ballaine Lake. The smooth snow with small prisms of beautiful rainbow crystalized light was mesmerizing. Then a thought surfaced of why not become part of the beauty by using my own body as an art tool. I went out and wrote my saying in life "LIFE LIVE IT" and let other people see it and help out their day in life. The letters are huge and you can see them from the road or air. Through all of the things happening within this last year I have become more relaxed and patient with life, and participating in its beauty.

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