Sunday, November 4, 2007

Halloween in San Diego

The endocannabinoid conference was kicking and running full steam at the HIlton Hotel. The people were nice and really were helping and connecting with each other. There was so many intellectual international people from all of the major continents of the world. It was so neat to hear multiple languages being spoken all at once, like a dissonance symphony of language and sound. The spainards and portguese with their passionate talks. The french shy and quiet talking with in their groups. The germans strong and bringing laughter to the discussion. There were so many different nationalities and personalities, all working on one system and trying to understand its nature and function. I even ran into someone from Ethopia that use to go to school with Veronica Topin (Bahamian former PostDoc at UAF) at Case Western and worked with Musa. The only thing that was missing was Halloween costumes, but all the different types of dress and sounds, it was like a strange and intriguing Halloween.
The collaborative atmosphere was really up and running. We had a large group of graduate students and new post docs go to Nick's on the Beach at Ocean Beach for dinner. We were talking about all of our different countries geography, cultures, and societies, from Ethopia, Spain, Portugal, to Alaska. We even pulled out all of our drivers licenses and compared the different countries. The one thing we all had in common was the drive to learn and experiment with the unkown.

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